
A very warm welcome to the cool stories of the Arctic!

The stories here will at least come from pilot services developed in the E-Shape project that showcases EuroGEOSS, the new regional initiative of GEO for Europe. However, this site is looking for anyone to offer their stories of environmental monitoring of our dear planet helping to solve real life challenges to people and nature in the Arctic.

If you want to contribute, register an account and tell us to root@arcticgeoss.org and we will let you add your stories to this blog. We are looking for stories with rich information services using a wealth of monitoring information, but the main beef is the concrete benefit of this information to anyone in the Arctic. Indigenous inputs are highly appreciated.

We’re excited to kick this off – Please join and contribute yourself!


Wildfire theme Shared Arctic Variables – March 2023 Finnish SAV workhop

Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) had the pleasure to host the 2nd Wildfire Shared Arctic Variable SAV Finnish workshop in March 2023 where we continued to co-develop possible SAVs under the theme Wildfire. The aim was to expand the work carried out in the first Expert panel meeting held last fall, and to bring in new …


ArcticGEOSS is the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks engaging with the Group on Earth Observations. It will produce more data and services for Arctic stakeholders and this site will highlite these developments.

Stories of Arctic applications will first come from pilot services developed in the E-Shape project that showcases EuroGEOSS, the new regional initiative of GEO for Europe. However this site is looking for anyone to offer their stories of environmental monitoring of our dear planet helping to solve real life challenges to people and nature in the Arctic.

If you want to contribute, tell us at root@arcticgeoss.org and we will add your story to this blog. We are looking for stories with rich information services using a wealth of monitoring information, but the main beef is the concrete benefit of this information.


basic contact information: Currently ArcticGEOSS is hosted by the Finnish Meteorological Institute located in Helsinki, Erik Palménin aukio 1.